If you wash your face, you should probably read this….
SUPER IMPORTANT FOR BROW APPOINTMENTS. Even though we don’t always use these products directly on the brows,lips or eyes, we use the products around them. The products will seep into treatment area once penetrating the skin. You must discontinue use no less than 4 weeks prior.
Just about every skincare line out there has at least one or more products containing one of the ingredients you’ll need to discontinue. Most of the ingredients are on the box, not on the bottle. Typically, we throw away the box. This will require you to do some research to see if any of these ingredients are in your skincare. Typically any skincare lines that target fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, acne, dark spots or hyperpigmentation, skin brightening will have these ingredients.
What happens to the skin when its tattooed when these products have not been discontinued ? The skin becomes extremely irritated, red, and non receptive or too receptive to pigment implantation. The skin can become overworked, irritated, or pigment can be implanted too deep. Your artist will be forced to discontinue working on your skin if any of these things happen.
Typically, for the artist, the skin acts like it doesn’t like the pressure or needle.. Your artist will go through their checklist to figure out if there is anything they can do differently on their end. If nothing changes, then that is when we ask you what skincare you are using. We don’t prefer to stop mid appointment and leave you with unfinished work. Please make sure you are doing your part. If you realize you have not discontinued products, PLEASE RESCHEDULE your appointment.
9 times out of 10 your artist will not be able to fully finish the permanent makeup procedure.
Stopping skincare with these ingredients for any timeframe less than 4 weeks is not enough time. It takes your skin cells 4 weeks to go back to its normal state after using these products. You have to remember that the skin on the face is extremely sensitive and thin. Adding acidic skincare to the mix only thins out the skin. Then we go in and touch the skin with a bunch of needles. It’s quite honestly a recipe for disaster.
If you fail to use products from approved list and do not verify with us that your products are safe to use, we will require you to pay another booking fee to reschedule and prepay for the appointment in full
What skincare lines do not have these ingredients and are safe to use 4 weeks prior to appointment?
If you wish to continue using your current skincare and it's not on this list, you will be required to send us product name and type so we can verify its okay to use.
APPROVED Cleansers
Neutrogena-Gentle facial cleansing bar w/glycerin****
Neutrogena- Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser for sensitive skin****
Differin- Gentle Cleanser “skin soothing”***
Olay-Gentle facial cloths, fragrance free****
Olay-Gentle foaming facial cleanser****
Aveeno-Extremely gentle cleanser-no rinse face wash***
Aveeno-Ultra calming, hydrading gel cleanser****
Philosophy-Purity one-step facial cleanser****
Philosophy-Purity foaming 3 in 1 cleansing gel****
Vanicream-Gentle facial cleanser for sensitive skin****
APPROVED Moisturizers
Aveeno- Calm & Restore Oat Gel Moisturizer ***
Aveeno-Ultra Calming nourishing night cream****
Neutrogena- oil free face moisturizer for sensitive skin, fragrance-free****
Neutrogena-Ultra gentle face gel hydrator****
Olay Complete-lotion moisturizer w/spf for sensitive skin****
*******If you want to use a different product, just make sure it has been approved by us.****
APPROVED Sunscreens
SuperGoop!-"unseen sunscreen"****
SuperGoop!-(Re)setting mist****
Eucerin-Sensitive Mineral-zinc oxide protection***
Neutrogena-ultra sheer dry touch 55
***They are now putting hyaluronic, salicylic and glycolic acids in addition to others in Foundation makeup and even lip glosses etc. PLEASE make sure you check your makeup for these ingredients, and send us a pic of your products for approval! We can send you a list of suggested foundations. Be alert for any product that boasts anti-aging, hydrating, plumping, toning, brightening, acne or wrinkle reducing or vitamin enriched are likely NOT approved for use 4 weeks prior to appt.
Ingredients to discontinue (make sure your reading the boxes or google ingredients)
Products containing these ingredients will need to be discontinued for 4 WEEKS prior to any upcoming permanent makeup appointment. Please read below for detailed instructions.
HYDROQUINONE (lightening agent),
Also, no Acne Medications in the PMU area. These will need to be discontinued on or around forehead area during healing (approx 4 weeks) and repeated for your touchup appt.
What upcoming appointment do you have?
BROWS: Any appointments for brows including touchups.
Discontinue any cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, masks, sunscreens, or other skincare products on ENTIRE FOREHEAD (including between eyes) for 4 weeks PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT.
LIPS: Any appointments for lips including touchups.
Discontinue any cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, masks or other skincare products BELOW THE NOSE for 4 weeks PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT.
EYES: Any appointments for eyeliner including touchups.
Discontinue any cleansers, eye creams, toners, serums, moisturizers, masks or other skincare products FROM CHEEKBONES AND UP for 4 weeks PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT.
YES!!! WE RECOMMEND KEEPING THEM A FINGER WIDTH AWAY FROM PERMANENT MAKEUP TO KEEP FROM PREMATURELY FADING. These products are safe to use after your touchup appointment is all done healing (flaking). We recommend waiting 4 weeks.
In order to AVOID Excessive bleeding and Poor color deposit:
*Do NOT drink alcohol 24-48 hours before your tattoo.
*Do NOT consume coffee or any caffeine day of your procedure.
*Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief, for 24-48 hours before appointment. (this thins the blood), or any blood thinners. Tylenol is fine as it is not a blood thinner.
*Do not perform electrolysis one week before procedure.
*Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before procedure.
*Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face.
*Do not have have any type of facial/chemical peel 2 weeks prior to procedure.
*Do not work out during the healing process Salt is a main ingredient in a form of removal, and our sweat WILL push the pigment out of the skin. Even if you don't think you sweat, you do. Our bodies must sweat to survive. This is extremely important and will dramatically effect your brows and how they heal if you do not follow this.
*Do not have botox 2 weeks before or after initial or touchup appointment.
*In addition to Warfarin/Coumarin which are prescribed meds that thin your blood, there are also tons of natural blood thinners in the form of supplements/vitamins that you must stop 4 weeks before your appt.
If you are on prescription blood thinners, you must let us know immediately and you will need an approval note from your doctor to perform the procedure.
Please stop using the following:
*All fish oils/Omega 3's/DHA
*St. John's Wort
*Ginko Biloba/Selenium/Arginine
*Cold pressed Rosehips/Evening Primrose
*Green Teas/Grapefruit seed extract
*Gluclosamin/coQ 10
---Regular multi-vitamin is fine but if you take extra vitamin A, D or E you will need to stop 4 weeks prior to appt. This would include any supplements that combine A, D, and E with other mash-ups (ie "hair vitamins") etc.
No aspirin/NSAID'S or alcohol 48hrs prior to appt
NO CAFFEINE day of appt. (no coffee, tea, energy drinks, smoothies, soda etc.)
Botox- You will need to wait two weeks before, or two weeks after your injection appointment to book your brow appointment. If you are overdue for botox, go ahead and do botox before brows.
If you get your injections regularly, and know that your brow arch and shape is dramatically effected by botox, please have your botox done first, then brows.
Brow symmetry can be effected greatly by natural muscle movement, and sometimes brows paired with botox is the perfect combination.
Lip Flip or (lip botox) needs to be done 2 weeks minimum before brow procedure.
If having lips tattooed- If you are planning on having your lips injected, you must wait for FOUR weeks before booking your lip blushing appointment. ALSO, if you have ever had a cold sore, you must get a 5 day prescription for an anti-viral (ex. Valtrex) to prevent an outbreak. It should be started 3 days before the appt and end 2 days after. Please keep lips hydrated during the week of your initial procedure and touchup procedure. The day before your lip blush appointment, gently exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub, or a warm damp washcloth to remove any dead skin. Chapstick is not a good moisturizer, try to use a good lip moisturizer with oils instead. Grapeseed oil, or Aquaphor works great.
Eyeliner or Lash Enhancement- No lash growth serum for 4-6 weeks prior to initial appointment and touchup appointment. Lash Extensions cannot be worn to any eyeliner appointments. They must be fully removed. Also, do not wear contacts to your appointment, you will need to wear glasses for 7 days following any eyeliner procedure.
Using a damp cotton round, gently blot brows to remove any excess lymph through the remainder of the day, every 10 minutes until all excess lymph fluid has been removed. This is very important, as the lymph (is clear) will build up and form a crust on the eyebrows. If the lymph builds too thick of a layer, it will also take excess pigment when it falls off naturally. The dead skin should resemble the thickness of a sunburn peel, not very thick at all. Your brows should not resemble a scab.
Do not take a shower the day of procedure. You can shower the morning of, just preferably not afterwards.
Before bed on day of procedure, first wash your hands, then gently wash your brows with clean fingertips with warm water. Make sure to pat dry, and apply a thin layer of After Inked Ointment, unless otherwise given approval for a different aftercare ointment.
No makeup on forehead area or brows during healing.
Use a fresh pillowcase on your pillow the first day of healing.
When you wake up, you must gently cleanse your brows again, and remove any excess lymph. Gently pat dry and apply after ointment. Be sure to keep checking your brows throughout the day. If you aren't sure if your brows are still producing lymph take a dry Kleenex and gently press on brows. If you see any type of fluid at all on the Kleenex, you will need to then take a damp cotton round, and remove excess lymph. Some clients procdue lymph past day 2, so if after day 2, and still producing lymph, keep removing lymph until all of it stops producing.
Before bed on day 2, you will need to apply ointment once again.
DAY 3-14
Apply ointment morning and evening, and in between when brows are feeling itchy, or dry and tight. Let them heal on their own, and DO NOT PICK, PULL, RUB OR SCRATCH off your brows. This WILL pull the pigment off completely, and can cause scarring.
No tanning for four weeks after procedure, and no direct sun exposure for 2 weeks.
No saunas, hot tubs, swimming, for two weeks after procedure.
No exfoliating, or acidic skincare/ Retinols of any kind for 4 weeks following your procedure.
Do not work out for up to 14 days after your procedure. You cannot work out until all dead skin has fallen off naturally.
Do not apply makeup on forehead until area until all dead skin has fallen off.
It is normal for color to blossom in and out for up to 3 weeks after procedure. Lifestyle can dramaticaly effect the outcome of your brows as well as the canvas that is being worked on. If the canvas (your skin) is compromised,
Do not get attached to the darkness of the brows 2 days after the procedure. This color will fade, and you need to have realistic expectations, that your brow color will fade up to 30 %. The color rests in the second layer of skin. When the color is fresh, it has freshly been deposited into skin and is sitting in the top layer that will also exfoliate away.
Touch ups can be no sooner than 8-10 weeks from initial procedure.
••It’s VERY important to blot lips using clean cotton rounds and fresh water to remove lymph fluid. Every 30 minutes to 1 hour until it stops producing lymph, in order to avoid thick layer of dead skin. After each blot, gently pat dry and apply the provided ointment with a clean cotton swab or clean fingertips.
••If swelling occurs you may apply ice in 10 minute intervals. Do not apply ice directly to the skin.
••You May want to use a straw, avoid salty/spicy foods for 24-48hrs.
If you do not absorb your lymph, you will lose an excessive amount of color once healed. The thicker the layer of dead skin, less color will be retained once healed. The thickness of dead skin should resemble what a sunburn peel looks like. Color will be attached to dead skin and will look lighter underneath. The color will fade in and out over the next couple weeks.
D A Y. 2-14
••You Must Keep the Lips moisturized at ALL times with the provided ointment. DO NOT USE any other lip products other than what you were provided with during the healing process.
••Keep lips clean.
••Do NOT Rub, Bite or Pick at peeling/flaking skin. Early removal of skin can cause scarring or loss of pigment.
••Do Not go swimming, sauna, tanning or excessively sweat. No Kissing for first couple days :(
••Do Not apply makeup to lips for at least 7 days. You can apply when flaking has stopped.
••Do Not use any skincare products that contain acids/retinols or exfoliates for 4 weeks around the lips.••Keep in mind that the color can blossom in and out for up to 6-8 weeks.
••Your initial Touchup will be 8-10 weeks after your first appointment.
Note: It is very normal for lips to look much lighter than first day of procedure, and almost as if all color is gone. The lips will “blossom” color, and will shift in color up to 8 weeks after procedure.
L O N G. T E R M. C A R E
Any lip products containing ingredients like lactic acid, glycolic, etc will fade the color prematurely. Be sure to protect your lips with SPF when out in the sun.
For lip moisture: Chapstick will dull and dry your lips. Use an oil based product to moisturize lips correctly. We love Aquaphor.
Sugar scrubs and lip exfoliants without acids or exfoliating enzymes are safe to use.
If you have any chemical peels, or laser facials, please be sure to tell your technician that you have permanent makeup on your lips.